10 Reasons Why Cricket Is Important For A Country
- As stupid as this sounds it is entertainment and all countries need entertainment
- It is really good for economic development as so many people follow it and it grows every year and with that, the economy grows as well.
- National Pride as it is played in an estimated over 120 countries
- It is estimated to have over 1 billion fans
- It is said to be the second most popular sport in the world
- It is steeped in traditions including country traditions
- Cricket is one of the most diverse sports in the world from ethnicities & religions to just global impact.
- It has now been added to the Olympics in Los Angeles as one of the new sports & it also has different world cup tournaments
- Governments and Government departments sometimes use it as a neutral meeting ground for world politics
- It makes people follow a team and feel Patriotic when they support a team
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