Home Bodyline Intense Sports Training Crickky says – To get on the front page of the newspaper...

Crickky says – To get on the front page of the newspaper you need balls . . .


. . . and a bat and a team that wants to play with you 

Yep! We’re talking even playing fields here where everyone gets a chance to share the bright lights. 

All you have to do is to play the game and play the game HARD! 

You stride onto the pitch and belt the living kaboodles out of the leather round thingy.

But when you get bored, you can pick up the round leather thingy and chuck it at the one on the other team who’s hiding sticks so the one in charge can’t see them. 

It’s great fun and if you get to shout the loudest you get on the front page and make heaps of money.


 #cricket #wbbl #icc #cricketnews


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