Junior Sport Good Coach Bad Coach Dangerous Coach

Interesting isn’t it. You will protect your child with everything you’ve got, yet when it comes to junior team sports, you entrust them with an egotistical, maniacal bully who can destroy a delicate part of their very soul within a few seconds. Who will you trust in Junior Sport – Good Coach, Bad Coach or Dangerous Coach.

Yes! Unfortunately, this is a fact that I know only too well and I really don’t give a rat’s if what I say offends someone.

Kids Coaching
Kids Coaching

Let’s start with what constitutes a Good Coach in junior sports.

  • This is the one who’s first on the field on practice day and has to be dragged home after the sun sets.
  • This is the person who cannot seem to use a cruel word or a harsh command.
  • This coach never talks down to anyone regardless of their age or circumstances nor in fact talks up to anyone regardless of their seniority or status.
  • This person would be happy to coach the opposition team equally if their coach was absent or lend the opposition any player and be happy if the opposition won – Even happier when their own team congratulated the opposition for winning with their player.
  • The coach is an inspiration and your child will glow from every experience.

But what good is this Good Coach for sport?

  • A good coach sees latent talent and encourages this talent to flow
  • A good coach understands instinct and allows it to take first place ahead of technique.
  • This good coach can spot a potential leader and will allow that leader to take a leadership role without pushing the child ahead of the team.
  • A good coach sees your child’s flair (Yes! Your child does have flair) and works with it.
  • A good coach takes care never to put any barriers ahead of your child’s progress.
  • And Yes! That is what good the Good Coach can be for sport.
Junior Sports Coaching
Junior Sports Coaching

What constitutes a Bad Coach and how can I avoid a Bad Coach harming my child’s progress?

A Bad Coach usually has one eye on their audience (You! The parents).

  • This Bad Coach will demonstrate ‘technique’ to all and sundry from the get go ‘till the sun goes down.
  • A child will play a ball a little out of whack and Bad Coach will halt proceedings and show the child how the ball should have been played.
  • This same coach will bail you the parent up after practice and lecture you on the intricacies of the sport and let the whole audience know just how close they got to the Olympics except for the fact that dadadada!
  • Except for the fact that the Bad Coach is really only coaching to gain some glory that eluded them in their early life.

So can a Bad Coach cause harm?

  • Yes! By over-coaching according to out-of-date rule books, Bad Coaching can actually stifle a kid’s instinct and flair.
  • Bad Coaches can also take the FUN out of playing a sport and that is Not Good for the sport and for the child

If your kid’s potential team coach welcomes you with a long dissertation about their own personal prowess, politely decline their offer and find another team.

Is there really such a thing as a Dangerous Coach in Junior Sport?

Yes! Yes! Yes! And take my advice and keep your child far away from them.

How do you spot a Dangerous Coach in Junior Sport?

  • Easy! The Dangerous Coach in Junior Sport is an aggressive bully who’s aim is to crush the opposing team regardless of the circumstances in order to establish dominance.
  • They may be loud and boisterous or quiet and sinister but either way their actions are obvious.
  • In order to win, they will even substitute older age kids for the younger more fragile youngsters.
  • When questioned, they will turn on the questioner with venom and vitriol.
  • Even worse, they will take it out on the child of the person who dared to question them.
  • This can cause irreparable damage to any child.

All up, the Dangerous Coach is easy to spot and even easier to avoid so . . .

. . . AVOID DANGEROUS COACHES in Junior Sport At All Cost.

#juniorsport #sportscoaching #juniorsportcoaches

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