Are you the bug that gets stuck on the Glass ceiling or…

The Glass Ceiling is a sticky, gooey, sludgy, insidious, mess.

A bug of life

It’s designed to confuse the living shite out of you.

It puts its grubby arm on your shoulder, promises you the world, and gives you nothing while it sucks your talent and takes the credit for its bastard ‘sons’.

We’ve just seen it in elite sports and we see it every day in our workplace.

So how do we reach the damn glass ceiling let alone breakthrough?


Achieve, stand out, get noticed, headhunted, and f*ck the glass ceiling mess!

The EL DORADO Factor is about to launch.

It will cost you a few coffees or it can be DIY.

Either way, stay tuned – We want your success and nothing is going to stop us!

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