How Sports Movies Change the Game

Sports & Sports Movies Sports movies have long been a staple of cinema, offering audiences a chance to experience the thrill of competition, the agony of defeat, and the joy…

Media Focus on Female Athletes Balancing Family

The Impact of Family on Professional Athletes ———————————————————— A Comparative Analysis Between Male & Female Athletes Professional athletes often find themselves in the limelight, their every move scrutinized by fans…

Can Sports Lower Criminality For Real

  Can Sports Lower Criminality? Sports have long been recognized as a powerful tool for personal development and community building. But can they also play a role in reducing criminality?…

The Rising Cost of Kid Sports in Australia

The Rising Cost of Kid Sports in Australia?

Building The Perfect Team In All Main Areas

 Building the Perfect Team in the main areas is a process to get a team that is responsive and trusting. It happens in work or play. Team building is a must.

Olivia Dunne Effect Leading A New Athlete Way

Olivia Dunne & athletes like her are leading a new athlete way of connecting with fans, making sports interesting & 24 hours a day.This is a Olivia Dunne Effect

1 Team – 2 Realities – Equal Bonuses For Paralympics & Olympics

Equal Bonuses For Paralympics & Olympics —————————————————– Should Paralympians Receive Equal Bonuses to Olympians in Australia? This post has nothing to do with the Athletes But to do more with…

Junior Sport Good Coach Bad Coach Dangerous Coach

Interesting isn’t it. You will protect your child with everything you’ve got, yet when it comes to junior team sports, you entrust them with an egotistical, maniacal bully who can…

Bring Back The Sports Streaker Or Not

Yep! You’ve gotta admit, if you were around in the 70s and 80’s, the thing you remember most about your favorite sport was the crazy person or sports streaker running…

Substandard catch twenty two, three & four!

You’re at a game and it’s boring you to the back teeth so you fall asleep and the ball hits you because you weren’t paying attention and you end up…